“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”
Now it's day and I've been trying to get that taste off my tongue I was dreaming of just you, now our cereal, it is warm Attractive day in the rubble of the night from before Now I can't walk in a vacuum, I feel ugly, feel my pores It's the trees of this day that I do battle with for the light Then I start to feel tragic, people greet me, I'm polite "What's the day?" "Whats you doing?" "How's your mood?" "How's that song?" Man it passes right by me, it's behind me, now it's gone And I can't lift you up cause my mind is tired It's family beaches that I desire A sacred night, where we'll watch the fireworks The frightened babies poo They've got two flashing eyes and they're colored why They make me feel that I'm only all I see sometimes
I've been eating with a good friend who said "A Genii made me out of the earth's skin" But in spite of her she is my birth kin, she spits me out in her surly blood rivers All the people life lurking in dominions of a hot Turk dish If the elephants be reaching for our purses, then meet me after the world with the shivers
"What's the day?" "Whats you doing?" "How's your food?" "How's that song?" Man it passes right by me it's behind me, now it's gone I can't lift you up cause my mind is tired, it's family beaches that I desire That sacred night where we watched the fireworks They frightened the babies and you know they've got two flashing eyes And if they are color blind, they make me feel, that you're only what I see sometimes
I won't cry when the silver lining shows/ But you're right/ You understand/ You ride with both hands/ Worrying is the breathing that you need/ So there won't be far to fall/ You mustn't climb tall/
Black rebel suns rise in eastern promise of something better. And the hours pass, as aliens quest over, filled so right, to the brim of thought… You know them – the torrid ones, so feeble and kingly. The “them’s” whom you never thought could invade you the way that they do. It’s unidentifiable the way that they so meander inside. Feeding and bleeding and drinking and cutting and vice-ing and loving. “Love is lust, and that is a dangerous desire.” All these things and more; transforming your speckled thoughts into profound glances – foresight within the world’s inner core of magnificence and disgust.
She came to you as a soiled child. One who believed this place was Good. Or that it at least could be. Each of us, fools we are. How can we not be? How would we ever survive otherwise?
It is better not to then. Fumble and fall and dig those tulip shells soft like lightning rain; And whisper the words that haunt you in the darkness. If you scream them, no one can hear you….maybe they just won’t want to.
“No one can have me,” she utters. “I don’t even have myself," he licks inside her wounds. It’s amazing how the blood spills and spills. Crimson beautiful, rank like meat dead nine days. But fresh enough to never have to consume again.
The moon tells me to stop looking. He runs to you with amorous care and devotion. Prison seems to be more freedom than it, picture painted, is. They always told me they hated my writing.
There’s a guilt, And there’s a Passion. To listen to one And not the Other Seems a Crime To me.
Why am I And Who am I And How do I And Where will I And God, How I miss you.
I left you this very morning. You held my tiny face in your hands And brought these peaches so they reached yours. I’d never heard someone mean it so much when they told me they loved me.
Nobody’s ever loved me. Not the way I’ve dreamed of being loved.
Oh, I’ve been lusted; I’ve been torn; I’ve been on the tips of all your tongues.
I’m so very happy. So very, very. All I wanna do is cry. I wanna cry for the loss of myself in you. I wanna cry for the way you saved me. I wanna cry for the way you showed me how to come. I wanna cry for the fucking pill-pop-lift&drop that eats you up each day.
I wanna eat your cancer up. I am the flowers from your rotting body; And I Will Bloom For The Memory Of The Rest Of Your Perfect Life.
the reality vs. the fantasy of you is always so much less endearing.
that curve of your jaw; how your chin is split, begging my tongue to lick its coarseness.
-- like your heart -- -- like your black, hard, soulless heart --
can't imagine those lips you give me are pressed on anyone else the way they're pressed onto me.
and i'll never be your choice.
so stay safe, horrid one. stay calm and sweet and lie lie lie to every person you encounter. to every place you travel to. to each cup of bitter coffee, scalding down your throat.
to the ONE who gets that diamond that you felt the need to tell me about.
i should've slapped your cheek instead of letting you cup my face, your fingers messing my tresses. instead of letting you taste me the very instant you found me alone.
i hope to let you go completely some day. but, for now, all i have is hope.