T.S. Eliot also said, “Let's not be narrow, nasty, and negative.”
It is a sad, sorry time we live in.
Where every corner turns is someone weeping and wanting for the things that have no substance; that hold no great truth for who they are or who they once dreamed they could be.
How has such a life, so many lives, been wasted into the soils of such a grand place?
Or, what was once labeled as grandiose.
And even then, why is this such a negative term?
Were we not taught to have these overbearing, daunting, other-worldly ideas of the maxims our skins could stretch to?
What of the miracles that happened long ago?
“Where is the Life we have lost in living? Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”
Just because a man no longer is seen walking on the waters through pure belief…just because he cannot touch a leper and have his skin smoothe over to angel’s dust…
Blindness is an affectation that is frightening. But, isn’t it a gift as well?
Sometimes I wonder how things could be if only I didn’t have to look at them.
More than my body or a lover’s face, or the way dust blows smoothly across the concrete walls.
To FOCUS, and fill myself with the ways of life that I am ignoring.
That EVERYONE is ignoring.
We must collapse.
It is all that is left.
Neutral sunshine is embracing our pupils and wiping away the power to take any sort of action.
I’m not any more frightened to stare straight into the sun, than I am to swim in a frigid lake at 4 o’clock on a first snowfall morning.
Even though I haven’t had the pleasure of experiencing the latter; I would do it if I had brought myself there.
The end is here….scratching your backs and letting you all fall into the well.
And, oh! How satisfied they are…with their chiseled faces and golden fingers.
What fools.
“This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but a whimper.”